HEMME APPROACH – Massage Educational Programs

HEMME Approach Florida (2 ceu’s-ethics/2 ceu’s-law/2 ceu’s-medical errors)

Description: The HEMME Approach Florida renewal package course was created to give you the three courses you must take in order to renew your Florida massage therapy license. (6hrs)

This package has three courses:

  • HEMME Approach to Ethics and Law (4 CEU’s) combined.
  • HEMME Approach to Medical Errors (2 CEU’s)


To meet Florida renewal requirements (6 hrs)
The Ability to save money by taking the three courses as a single package.
Ability to take test online with instant results and certificate.
Actually getting information you can use in the real world.

NOTE:  results for this course are automatically forwarded to your CE BROKER account with 2 working days.

Module 1 HEMME Approach 6HR Basic Core Renewal Requirements
Unit 1 HEMME Approach FL Renewal basic 6 HR core requirements