HEMME Approach Florida 12CEU’s renewal Package (Order Course By Mail)


Author: David Leflet


Format: course materials mailed to you, test by faxing back or mailing in answer sheet.

Description: The HEMME Approach Florida renewal package course was created to give you the maximum number of CEU’s  (12 hrs)  you can take by using home-study courses.

This package has four courses:

  1. HEMME Approach to Hand therapy (6 CEU’s)
  2. HEMME Approach to Ethics and Law (4 CEU’s)
  3. HEMME Approach to Medical Errors (2 CEU’s)
  4. The One-Hour Aids course/ No longer a Florida requirement.


  • To meet Florida renewal requirements (12 hrs)
  • The Ability to save money by taking the four courses as a single package.
  • Having one answer sheet instead of four.
  • Actually getting information you can use in the real world.


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