Format: you download course materials, test by faxing back or mailing in answer sheet.
Description: The medical terminology in this glossary is taken from HEMME Approach courses such as the HEMME Approach to Low Back Pain course, and the HEMME Approach to Neck and shoulder Pain course. Even though this glossary is only thirty pages compared to the average medical dictionary that is usually more than two thousand pages, all of the words in this glossary relate specifically to massage therapy. In particular, most of the words relate to anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, or pathology, and most of the concepts relate to laws or principles that apply to soft tissue therapy.
Goal: The main reason for learning medical terminology is to increase your ability to communicate with other health care professionals, By speaking a common language, a soft tissue therapist is able to communicate effectively with doctors, nurses physical therapists, occupational therapist, or any other practitioner who is treating the same patient.
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